Monday, November 19, 2012

Divorce Tips For Women - 5 Easy Ways to Boost and Balance Your Energy Post Divorce

The greatest hazard of all, losing one's self, can occur very quietly in the world, as if it were nothing at all. No other loss can occur so quietly; any other loss - an arm, a leg, five dollars, a wife, etc. - is sure to be noticed. ~The Sickness Unto Death

Are you all Clark Kent and no Lois Lane? Are you superwoman to the rescue, proving you can do it all, but find you are exhausted and dragging at the end of the day? If you can relate to this action hero scenario then read on for some practical and nurturing tips that just may rescue you.

I can certainly relate, when I was married I took on the m fashion jackets asculine role and lost touch with my feminine side. Unaware of who I'd become it was only after my marriage crumbled that I realized, with the help of a close friend, I had some serious energy imbalance going on. I suddenly saw I had lost my softness.

Whether married or divorced I see this as fairly common in today's woman. It's not surprising because she's involved in so many situations that require her to take charge.

Raising a family
Taking care of a home
Competing in the work force
Fighting for equal pay
Managing Community Fundraisers
Taking care of aging parents

Sound familiar? Now, I'm not suggesting you step away from any of your responsibilities, but I am suggesting you take the time to remember who you are and nurture your feminine side. You will feel so much more whole and happy.

Check out the following indicators to see if you are suffering from energy imbalance:
Anger, crankiness, resentment, aggression, controlling, impatient, negative, snappy, tired.

If you're nodding your head and screaming, Yes that's me, help! - no worries...balance is easy to achieve...after all, you inherently have the right DNA. But instead of rescuing everyone else, you must take time to rescue you.

5 Suggestions on what to do to bring balance:

Heavenly Haven

- whether it's a space to meditate, a candle-lit bubble bath, writing in a journal, or a walk in nature - create a haven for yourself that nourishes your soul.


- ask your closest friends for an honest critique of your persona and investigate ways to make positive changes. An open mind is important for this exercise. If your friend is a true friend the advice could wake you up in the best of ways.


- this is easy to do at home - if you have kids tell them not to disturb you for 20 minutes - lock yourself in your boudoir, put on some sensual tunes (Barry White or Marvin Gaye will do the trick) and start moving slowly - letting your body feel the music.


- complete mind, body and spirit balancing. Yes there is a time commitment but you are worth it. Rejuvenation and clarity are a huge benefit of this practice.


- do you sleep in a pretty nightgown or are you in old comfy flannels? Do you wear sexy undergarments daily? No matter what your attire, black lacy underwear makes you feel like a woman.

If you are a hero it's time to reclaim your feminine essence. Honoring who you are will lighten your life and give you more energy.

Bonus Tip - if you would like more information on balancing your energies I invite you to visit my website.

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