Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Times To Call In A Plumber And Times It Can Be Avoided

Plumbers can be expensive and many households are trying to cut back spending and watch their budgets. However, there are times when a plumber will be the best choice for solving common issues and others when a simple plunger can do the job just as well. If budget is not an issue, then the plumbing may well be left to a professional every time.

Most common problems i women's coats n a home can be easily solved with a plunger and a very small plumbers snake, which is readily available in a hardware store. A snake is a flexible rod that can be worked into a pipe for a short distance to help stubborn clogs beyond the reach of the plunger. There is no need to go for the professional models since if the small snake does not do the job, it will certainly be time to call in a plumber. If the snake is not available then a wire coat hanger may well do the job.

Before speaking, further of do it you plumbing help, it is important to note that any job that includes gas, welding or sewers may better left to the professionals. Gas is simply too dangerous for the untrained to be working on. In addition, welding may require special equipment and may be beyond the capabilities of the average householder. Sewers need no explanation.

Bathroom clogs especially in the sink or shower are often caused by a collection of hair. The plunger may not be as effective on hair clogs even if a tight seal is made and a lot of pressure applied. This is where the short plumber snake can come in handy. Threading the snake or wire coat hanger down a short way into the pipe could loosen the hair clog and allow it to break up. The homeowner should be very careful not to damage plastic pipe by trying to force the snake or wire downward past the point it can go.

Unclogging kitchen sink drains is a relatively easy matter with the plunger if a few steps are taken first. The plunger should fit directly over the drain and make a tight seal. A gentle push on the plunger will rarely accomplish much either, it requires some effort to get the suction going to dislodge a plug. There should be no other outlet for the water since how effective the plunger is, depends on forcing the water and air downward to help clear clogs. That means the other sink in a double sink home should be tightly covered and sealed.

There are circumstances when a clog may be beyond the ability of an plunger or snake to dislodge and in that case, some may try products intended to dissolve blockages. It is important to remember that these products that dissolve clogs may not be safe for all types of pipes, and the directions should be read carefully before using. They are also usually caustic and care should be taken not to get the substance on clothing or skin.

Not all plumbing issues require a plumber, but there are many that are simply either too dangerous or beyond the skills of the average do it yourself enthusiast to repair. Recognizing these is the key to saving money. Eventually many problems may be resolved by the homeowner with enough persistence and running out for parts. On the other hand, there are situations that simply should not be approached by the average do it yourself enthusiast, such as installing hot water heaters powered by gas.

Replacing pipes may well be within the scope of some repair people however it could be more time consuming and expensive than calling in a professional. One of the biggest mistakes a homeowner can make is choosing an untrained handy person rather than a professional. While a professional plumber will have training and usually insurance in case of damage, the average handy man will not.

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